Ministry Of Health Claims Payment Process For Hospitals Treating COVID-19 IDR 2.4 Trillion

JAKARTA - The Director of Referral Health Services at the Ministry of Health, Rita Rogayah, said that this week her party was processing around IDR 2.4 trillion claims for hospital payments for services for COVID-19 patients.

"This week, maybe within a week, we are still in the process of making payments of around IDR 2.4 trillion. So, we are in the process of paying IDR 2.4 trillion", said Rita, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 8.

Rita emphasized that the payment of claims for hospitals serving COVID-19 will continue to run in conjunction with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) review for these claims.

She explained, all the payment processes run simultaneously for both the 2021 service month payment and the 2020 service month whose claims were uploaded by the hospital in 2021.

The claim for payment for the 2020 service month, which covers services until the start of the pandemic in March 2020, is also still being reviewed by BPKP.

Of the 2020 claims reviewed by BPKP, about 38 percent, according to Rita, have undergone the payment process.

"So 38 percent have been processed, have been transferred to the hospital. Everything else is still in progress, as now we will carry out the process in stages for the month of service in 2020 amounting to IDR 1.5 trillion", she said.

In one week this amount will be transferred to around 400 hospitals which have been reviewed by the BKPB.

Meanwhile, the distribution process of IDR 1.5 trillion will not occur simultaneously on the same day. However, the maximum will be done within five working days.