Chairing The ASEAN-Russia Meeting, Foreign Minister Retno Pushes For Strengthening Cooperation

JAKARTA - Indonesian Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, and Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, chaired the virtual ASEAN-Russia Ministerial Meeting on Tuesday, July 6, marking 25 years of ASEAN-Russia relations.

On this occasion, Foreign Minister Retno, as the leader of the meeting with Foreign Minister Lavrov, encouraged the strengthening of cooperation in the health sector, especially in handling the pandemic and economic recovery.

"The increase in COVID-19 cases, the emergence of new variants, and the global vaccination gap are reminders, ASEAN and Russia must work together better in dealing with the pandemic", Foreign Minister Retno said in a statement to the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"But on the other hand, efforts to maintain peace and stability in the region must still be the main concern", continued Foreign Minister Retno.

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi. (Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Foreign Minister Retno encouraged Russia to support the fulfillment of vaccine needs in the region through dose-sharing, prioritizing ASEAN countries as Russian vaccine recipients, and exploring the possibility of joint-production with the ASEAN Member States.

The Indonesian Foreign Minister also invited ASEAN and Russia to jointly strengthen support for the COVAX Facility, negotiations on the TRIPS Waiver, and equality of recognition for vaccines.

"The collaboration with Russia is expected to increase regional independence in the health and pharmaceutical industries, research and strengthen the regional early prevention system", said Foreign Minister Retno.

"ASEAN-Russia also has a responsibility to strengthen WHO and the global health order to anticipate the emergence of pandemics in the future", she stressed.

As for the region, Foreign Minister Retno saw the similarities in the principles of the Russian Vision regarding regional architecture and the 'ASEAN Outlook on the Indo Pacific' (AOIP), which are becoming increasingly relevant during the pandemic.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (Source: Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs))

"It's time for us to prioritize cooperation over competition, collaboration over competition", added the Indonesian Foreign Minister, underlining the importance of cooperation and collaboration between the two parties.

On this occasion, Indonesia also invited Russia to support ASEAN's centrality and efforts to overcome the situation in Myanmar, including the implementation of the 'Five-Point Consensus'.

Regarding Russia's proposal to hold the ASEAN Russia Summit in October 2021, the Foreign Minister emphasized that the summit must be a momentum to strengthen ASEAN and Russia's partnership, to overcome various challenges, and also increase Russia's contribution in the region.

To note, Russia has been a strategic partner of ASEAN since 1996, and in the past 25 years, it has developed close relations and cooperation in various fields, including politics and security, economy, society, and culture. Indonesia is the coordinating country for the ASEAN-Russia partnership for the period 2018-2021.