Poor People Become Victims, Stop Political Chaos And Focus On Overcoming COVID-19

JAKARTA - The Central Executive of Muhammadiyah asked the elites to stop all political noise and better focus on overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, which is currently soaring high.

"Stop the issue and let it be part of the discourse for a moment, on the contrary, it would be better if it was stopped to prevent an emergency. Pity the poor people who bear the heavy burden of the pandemic and the burdensome conditions of national life", said General Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nashir, in a written statement, reported by Antara, Monday, June 28.

One of the examples of the commotion that Haedar was referring to was the issue of the three-term president. He asked that the issue be ended and all parties work together to find solutions to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.

For Haedar, it is the poor who are the victims because they are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic from all the political noise. Meanwhile, the elites have privileges that the lower classes do not have.

"Perhaps by producing controversial issues, they will get more added value for the elites. But what about ethical and social responsibility in the midst of a nation that is facing a major disaster?


Haedar understands that democracy does provide space to discuss issues that are considered to be related to the life of the nation and state. But democracy also demands moral and social responsibility when the nation and state are currently facing bigger problems.

"Indonesian politics demands morals and wisdom values as contained in the fourth precepts of Pancasila, not just politics of use-values and the principle of freedom", he said.

Previously, Haedar encouraged the central and regional governments to consistently implement policies for handling COVID-19, especially the policy for the Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"It is also important for state officials and elites from the center to the regions to unite attitudes and steps, accompanied by examples in enforcing health protocols and not giving wind to residents who make everything lose and negligent", said Haedar.

Haedar said that inconsistencies would make the steps to deal with COVID-19 go back and forth or fluctuate, which in the end the condition could get out of control.