COVID-19 Cases Soaring High, Bali Governor Is Still Convincing The Government To Open Access For Foreign Tourists

DENPASAR - Bali Governor Wayan Koster emphasized that plans for foreign tourists or foreign tourists to Bali will still be discussed with the relevant ministries.

The government previously planned to open access for foreign tourists to Bali in July, but now cases of COVID-19 nationally have soared.

"For the opening of foreign tourists, we will soon hold a coordination meeting with the relevant ministers, in the coming weeks, to determine when we will open these foreign tourists", said Koster, during the plenary session of the Bali Regional Representative Council (DPRD), Monday, June 28.

Koster emphasized that opening foreign tourists to Bali is the authority of the central government. Therefore, Koster asked that there be no assumptions that accuse him of blocking the access of foreign tourists to come to Bali.

"I need to convey that this is not the authority of the regional government, but is the authority of the central government. So, don't tell the governor of Bali to cover Bali, absolutely not. This is always communicated with the central government because they have this authority", he said.

"There is the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Law and Human Rights, the Minister of Transportation, the Menpar, who are jointly authorized, and the final decision will be during a limited meeting chaired by the President", he explained

Koster emphasized that Bali is not closed to foreign tourists. However, if you want to open access for foreign tourists to Bali, there must be other countries that also open access to come to the island of Bali.

"So if someone says Bali is closed, no. However, indeed if there is to be a country that is the same as open, it is impossible for us to open it ourselves but others are closed", he added.

The Bali Provincial Government is currently convincing the central government about Bali's ability to manage COVID-19 control.

"I am in this position, I continue to convince the central government that we can, we are able to manage COVID-19 control in Bali, both in tourist destinations or other tourist facilities", he said.

"However, my position as governor is only to try as hard as I can to the central government according to its authority, of course taking into account all aspects both at home and abroad", said Koster.