Ganjar Pranowo's Message To The Regent Of Pekalongan: Regional Heads Must Be Ready To Become People's Servant
JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo advised the Pekalongan Regent pair, Fadia Arafiq-Riswadi, to be ready to become "people's servant" (people's helpers).
This was conveyed by Ganjar Pranowo during the inauguration ceremony for Pekalongan Regent Fadia Arafiq and Deputy Regent Riswadi at the Gradika Bhakti Praja Semarang building, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 27.
For Ganjar, this is a reminder that officials must be loyal to serve the people because the inauguration of the Pekalongan Regent Fadia Arafiq-Riswadi was held on Sunday.
"Because the inauguration was on Sunday, I read that the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pekalongan must be enthusiastic. My message, the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pekalongan must be willing to donate themselves to serve the people without knowing the day, must be ready to 'become people's servant' and carry out their campaign promises, " he said.
Governor Ganjar also reminded Fadia and Riswadi to carry out their mandate properly and do not hesitate to always consult and coordinate with the forkompinda, the governor, and even the president if they find difficulties to be solved together.
"You were sworn in under difficult conditions because of the pandemic. However, I believe you will be able to carry out your duties as well as possible," he said.
He said the integrity pact which was signed by the Pekalongan regent pair is something that must be adhered to, namely being proactive in preventing and eradicating corruption, not accepting gratuities either directly or indirectly, being transparent, and accountable.
"If you say you are tired, you must be tired but with good intentions, you can because the regional head must be ready to 'become people's servant', 'not become the master of people'", he said.
Ganjar also reminded the Regent and Deputy Regent of Pekalongan to avoid conflicts of interest, comply with applicable regulations, convey information if there is a violation for later evaluation, and be ready to face the consequences if violated.
Another thing that is no less important, he said, is the role of the PKK coaching team as agents to educate the public about health protocols and complying with the 5M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands with soap, avoiding crowds, and mobility activities.
"Then for Dekranasda it can play a role in assisting MSMEs as the sector that has been hit the most so that they are able to rise again economically," he said.
Pekalongan Regent Fadia Arafiq said she was ready to carry out the orders of the Governor of Central Java and promised to work optimally to serve the community.