LPSK Sends Team To Pemantangsiantar To Protect Witness To Murder Of Journalist Marasalem Harahap

JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) sent a team to protect witnesses in the murder case of journalist Marasalem Harahap alias Marsal Hararap who was shot dead in Pematang Siantar City, North Sumatra.

"The presence of the LPSK team to Pematang Siantar to meet with witnesses while conducting an assessment of potential threats to them," said LPSK Deputy Chair Edwin Partogi Pasaribu in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, June 27.

This step was taken after LPSK received a request for witness protection submitted by the Director of General Crimes of the North Sumatra Police. The analysis of potential threats was also strengthened by the information that the team managed to extract when they had the opportunity to meet one of the suspects.

"LPSK is taking proactive steps to collect various information in relation to witness protection in the murder of journalist Marasalem Harahap," said Edwin.

Edwin emphasized that the protection given to witnesses was expected to expedite the process of disclosing cases. Thus, those who have information can make matters clearer and testify without fear for the safety of their souls.

Information obtained from the witness and one of the suspects can provide an overview of the parties that have the potential to threaten the safety of the witness's life. LPSK also conducted an environmental assessment around the witness' residence. Now, the witness is under protection.

The LPSK team also took the time to review the crime scene and offer protection to the victim's wife, including conveying the right of the victim's family to receive compensation from the perpetrator.

From the information obtained by LPSK, currently, there are two suspects detained by the North Sumatra Police. Meanwhile, one other perpetrator who is a member of the TNI is still under intensive investigation by the TNI AD.

Information on the involvement of TNI AD personnel was obtained by LPSK from the North Sumatra Police and Army Chief of Staff (Kasad) General TNI Andika Perkasa when they met at the Army Headquarters.

At the meeting, Kasad said he had ordered his staff to arrest the perpetrators. Kasad also promised to take firm action against its members involved in the murder case of Marsal Harahap.

Finally, LPSK hopes that this support can speed up the legal process and bring justice to Marsal Harahap.