Before Indonesia, Hong Kong Banned Flights From The Philippines, India, Nepal And Pakistan

JAKARTA - The Hong Kong government has banned all airlines from Indonesia entering the region starting tomorrow, Friday, June 25.

The Hong Kong government considers Indonesia as a country with an A1 (extremely high risk) category related to COVID-19.

"In category A1, all flight passengers from Indonesia are not allowed to enter Hong Kong", said the statement quoted from the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thursday, June 24.

Not only Indonesia, but the Hong Kong government also banned several other countries from entering. Namely from the Philippines, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. In fact, Hong Kong banned these four countries first.

Based on information from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hong Kong is said to have included the four countries in the A1 category first, before Indonesia. The prohibition policy itself is temporary and will be reviewed periodically.

"Especially for migrant workers (PMIs) who are affected by this new policy, they should immediately contact their respective employers and agents. The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong will ensure the fulfillment of PMI's rights in accordance with applicable regulations", said the message from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also informed that the Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong will continue to monitor the development of this policy.