High Risk Of Spreading COVID-19, Starting Tomorrow Indonesian Flights Will Be Banned From Entering Hong Kong

JAKARTA - The Hong Kong government announced Indonesia as a country with an A1 (extremely high risk) category related to COVID-19 on June 23. This category will take effect from Friday, June 25 tomorrow.

"In the A1 category, all flight passengers from Indonesia are not allowed to enter Hong Kong", explained the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement, Thursday, June 24.

He further explained that this policy was adopted by the Hong Kong Government because there was an increase in the number of imported COVID-19 cases from Indonesia. Besides Indonesia, a number of countries have been included in this list first.

"This policy is implemented jointly with the Philippines, India, Nepal, and Pakistan, which have entered the A1 category first. This policy is temporary and will be reviewed periodically", the statement continued.

Regarding Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) who are affected by this new policy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asks them to immediately contact their respective employers and agents.

"The Indonesian Consulate General in Hong Kong will ensure the fulfillment of PMI's rights in accordance with applicable regulations and will continue to monitor the development of this policy", said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Previously, as quoted by Chinadailyhk, Hong Kong reported seven new imported cases of COVID-19. Six of the seven new cases are women from Indonesia. Another is a 51-year-old man whose travel history is unknown.

Last week, the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection (CHP) announced the banning of Garuda Indonesia flights from Jakarta, after four passengers tested positive for COVID-19. This ban will take effect from June 22 to July 5.