COVID-19 Cases Soar, Traders Hope The Local Government Will Not Close The Market: This Is The Backbone Of The Regional Economy

JAKARTA - Although positive cases of COVID-19 in the country continue to soar, the Central Executive Board (DPP) of the Indonesian Market Traders Association (IKAPPI) has asked the local government (Pemda) not to close the market while the Micro-Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) are tightened.

Chairman of the Insurance and Trader Health Division of DPP IKAPPI Mahin Aufa said if the market was closed, it would disrupt the regional economy. This is because the market is the backbone of the regional economy.

"We ask the local government not to close the market because this is the backbone of the regional economy. The market is also a place for food distribution in the region. So that food is not disturbed, the market continues to operate but carries out health protocols properly," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, 23 June.

Furthermore, Mahin hopes that PPKM will not affect food distribution. Because after all, the issue of food becomes a dominant and sensitive issue because it can have an impact on rising prices.

"Food is a problem that is urgently needed, so we ask for food distribution not to be disturbed so that it does not impact on price fluctuations," he said.

Mahin also asked the government, especially the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries to find the right formulation so that PPKM does not make it difficult for market traders.

"We ask that this be immediately formulated and immediately implemented in each region," he said.

Ask the local government to strengthen health protocols

IKAPPI asks local governments to strengthen health protocols for traditional market traders. Mahin said his party also requested and hoped that all parties would continue to maintain health and maintain distance, and continue to wear masks.

Based on the latest IKAPPI data, in traditional markets, there were 153 new cases of COVID-19 in 28 markets and 19 people died. So the total number of positive cases throughout Indonesia to 1934 occurred in 321 markets and approximately 89 cases died.

"We all know that the discipline of health protocols has declined somewhat. So with this PPKM, we hope that the local government will further strengthen the discipline of health protocols in traditional markets," he said.

Furthermore, Mahin hopes that this policy can maintain and reduce the rate of growth or spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

"Discipline and continue to carry out what are the stages so that we avoid COVID-19," he said.

Speed up vaccination

IKAPPI asked the Ministry of Health to speed up vaccination in traditional markets. Moreover, the acceleration of vaccination is the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"We are ready to help the Ministry of Health to strengthen data on traditional markets or market traders, so that the vaccination goes well according to all of our plans. In accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia to accelerate vaccination in traditional markets," he said.

For your information, based on data from the Ministry of Health, daily cases on June 23 reached 15,308. Meanwhile, on the previous day, the growth rate of new positive cases reached 13,668. Cumulatively, COVID-19 cases in the country reached 2,033,421.