Observer Said Closing Of Tourist Attractions Is Right Due To Increasing COVID-19 Cases

JAKARTA - Tourism observers from Jenderal Soedirman University, Chusmeru, said that the policy of closing tourist objects during the tightening of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) was the right step.

"Closing tourist attractions during PPKM tightening is the right step, considering the number of positive COVID-19 cases has continued to increase in recent days", he said in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, quoted from Antara, Thursday, June 24.

He explained that the current closure of tourist attractions was necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19 cases.

"Moreover, tourist objects are places that are very prone to transmission, because it is feared that there will be potential crowds", he said.

If conditions have gradually improved, he added, the manager can reopen the tourist attraction, although he must first ensure that the "three health" conditions are fulfilled, namely healthy tourism objects, healthy managers, and healthy visitors.

"At least, there are three health requirements needed to reopen tourism objects after PPKM ends, namely healthy tourism objects, healthy managers, and healthy visitors", he said.

For this reason, according to him, tourism objects must be ensured that they are healthy to visit through the provision of health facilities, including handwashing areas and regular spraying of disinfectants.

"Restriction of visitor capacity still needs to be done to prevent crowds of people at one object. Spraying of disinfectants must be done every day before the tourist attraction opens. Handwashing facilities must be available in strategic places", he said.

Chusmeru added that the management, including employees of tourist objects, must also ensure that they are healthy to receive and serve tourists.

"In addition to implementing health protocols in serving tourists, the managers and employees of tourist objects must also have undergone a complete vaccination", he said.

In addition, he continued, what is no less important is that tourists or visitors to tourist attractions must be ensured to be healthy.

"The procedure for traveling to an object must be stricter. Before entering a tourist attraction it is necessary to measure body temperature, wash hands, and use a mask. It is recommended that every visitor also brings medical equipment, such as hand sanitizer and spare masks", he said.