COVID-19 Increasing Makes Anindya Bakrie Vs Arsjad Rasjid Rivalry At Kendari Kadin National Conference To Be Postponed

JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the VIII National Conference of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Nita Yudi stated that the Indonesian Kadin Extraordinary Members (ALB) convention did not get an organizing permit, so the VIII Kadin Indonesia National Conference (Munas) was held in Kendari, June 30, 2021, in danger of being canceled.

"According to the schedule, the Kadin ALB Convention will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), on June 25, 2021. However, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Covid-19 Task Force does not agree, does not give permission because there has been a significant increase in COVID-19 cases in Jakarta," he said. Nita Yudi, in her statement in Jakarta, quoted Thursday, June 24.

In a letter from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government Covid Task Force, dated June 22, 2021, it was emphasized that the disapproval of the convention was also based on the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs number 14 of 2021 concerning the extension of the implementation of micro-based Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), to control the spread of COVID-19.

"The ALB convention does not get permission from the DKI Jakarta government. Because it doesn't get a permit, it can't be held on June 25. When it can be held, of course, waiting for the spread of COVID-19 to be controlled," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Wednesday.

Nita Yudi who is also the General Chair of the Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association (Iwapi) explained that the ALB Convention will be followed by 122 national associations and will choose 30 representatives who will attend and have voting rights at the VIII National Conference of Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

"If the ALB cannot be carried out automatically the VIII Kadin National Conference cannot take place. Because ALB has not been able to choose 30 representatives who will actively participate and have voting rights in the election of the new Kadin General Chair," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Steering Committee (SC) of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry VIII, Benny Soetrisno, emphasized that the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry must be canceled.

"I don't agree that the VIII Kadin National Conference will continue when COVID-19 escalates. So it must be postponed to another time, after the pandemic subsides and its spread is controlled. Everyone must remember the President's message, the leadership of this country is to prioritize safety, life is above everything, " he said.

The request for the postponement of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry's VIII National Conference continued, and hardened following the instructions issued by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Airlangga Hartato, who is also the Chairman of the Committee for Combating COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPC-PEN), Airlangga Hartato, Monday, June 21.

Airlangga implemented the implementation of Micro-Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), strictly from June 22 to July 5, 2021.

In the micro PPKM, there are 11 community activities that have the potential to create crowds that need to be limited, namely, offices, restaurants, shopping centers, schools, places of worship, public transportation, essential, social & cultural sectors, construction, public areas, and meeting activities.

"It is clear that meetings or organizational meetings such as the National Conference are among those that need to be limited. Therefore, it is very reasonable if the ALB and National Conference VIII Kadin are postponed. This is a form or example that Kadin is obedient in carrying out government instructions in strengthening PPKM to control COVID-19," said General Chairman of North Sumatra Chamber of Commerce Ivan Batubara.