2 Days Of Implementing Mobility Restrictions, Regional Police Metro Claims To Have Succeed: Daily COVID-19 Cases Drop, Awareness Of Health Protocols Increases

JAKARTA - Regional Police (Polda) Metro Jaya said the implementation of the mobility restriction scheme at 10 points in the Jakarta area had quite an impact on daily positive cases. During the two days of implementation, the number of positive cases continued to decline.

This decrease compares positive cases in Jakarta as of June 21 to 5.014 cases. Meanwhile, on June 22, there were 3.221 positive cases of COVID-19.

"Of course, judging from how effective it is in relation to the number of COVID-19, we cannot determine. But what is clear is that the number of COVID-19 which was 5.500 (cases) has dropped to 3.400 (cases)", said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo told reporters, Wednesday, June 23.

Despite the decline in positive cases in the past day, Sambodo said that with this scheme the level of public awareness to implement health protocols (prokes) is getting higher.

It can be seen from the decrease in the crowd. Thus, minimizing the potential for the spread of COVID-19.

"Then what we can see in real terms is an increase in community discipline, an increase in compliance with the health protocols. We have seen eliminating crowds", he said.

However, Sambodo did not dare to confirm that this mobility restriction scheme was very effective in suppressing the spread of COVID-19. Because, the spread of this virus depends on various factors that influence. Thus, a more in-depth study is needed to ensure its effectiveness.

"But whether this closure will immediately have an impact on decreasing the number of COVID-19, of course (needed) further study", he said.