Waiting For Police Decision To Speed Up And Expand Mobility Restriction Points In Jakarta

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police opens the possibility to expand the area and speed up the implementation time of the mobility restriction scheme in Jakarta. This possibility must be studied and consider many factors.

Director of Traffic for Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said time acceleration and expansion could not be done just like that. There must be an in-depth discussion.

"We will examine it later, there is a possibility. We will see the development later," said Sambodo to reporters, Tuesday, June 22.

It is undeniable that the discourse of accelerating the implementation of the mobility restriction scheme from 20.00 western Indonesia time is in line with the policy for the Implementation of Micro-scale Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

However, in the near future, there are no plans to immediately implement the acceleration. Mobility restrictions are still scheduled from 21.00 to 04.00 western Indonesia time.

"Later, first coordinate with the relevant stakeholders, yes. While still," he said.

The same applies to the expansion of mobility restriction points. In fact, Sambodo said that the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, had asked the police to do it.

"There is one assistant from the governor who has told us about adding several points to be implemented as well as restricting mobility," said Sambodo in Cikini Raya.

However, Anies' request could not be fulfilled immediately. The reason is that there must be a study.

The study also refers to the results of the evaluation of mobility restrictions at 10 points. So, there are strong considerations to decide it.

"If later (the mobility restriction scheme) turns out to be successful, it certainly does not rule out the possibility that there will be additional areas from 10, maybe how many," said Sambodo.

In fact, it is undeniable that at this time there are also several areas that have been considered for the implementation of the scheme. But, again, the effects and other things must be studied if it is really applied.

Sambodo also said that the expansion and acceleration of the implementation of this scheme did not need to wait for the extension of the Micro-scale PPKM policy. Everything depends on the results of the study and the conditions for the spread of COVID-19 in Jakarta.

"It could be faster. We don't need to wait until that date. This means that if it has been running for 4-5 days and then the effective value, then there is input from friends of the Transportation Agency, DKI DPRD, and DKI Satpol PP to expand, why not? Do it anytime," he said.