Visited By A Number Of Men At Night, Wiwin Was Found Dead In His Room By His Mother The Next Morning

SEMARANG - Police are investigating a case of abuse that killed a young man in his room at his house in Kedungsari Village, Tembalang, Semarang City, Central Java.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Semarang Polrestabes Commissioner Indra Mardiana explained that victim Wiwin Aleyong Saputra (27) was found dead in his room by his mother.

According to him, the autopsy results on the victim's body found a number of wounds.

"There are bruises and scratches on the back", he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 22.

According to the victim's mother, Ngatin, several men were known to have come to the room the night before the victim was found dead. The mother herself had met several men who entered her son's room.

In addition, the victim's mother also had time to report to the head of the local neighborhood head about the arrival of several people looking for her child.

Wiwin was found dead when his mother came into the room to wake him up this morning.

Indra added that the police are still hunting for a number of men who came to the room of the victim who is suspected of being the perpetrator of the abuse.