National Cyber and Crypto Agency Collaborates With Kaspersky Company To Handle Cyber Crime In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The National Cyber and Crypto Agency (BSSN) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with cybersecurity company, Kaspersky. The aim is none other than to increase cybersecurity capabilities in Indonesia.

This collaboration includes the development of cybersecurity-related capacity and institutions in the government sector. Considering that digital platforms are widely used, especially during the pandemic.

Kaspersky CEO, Eugene Kaspersky, stated Indonesia's digital platform has grown rapidly. This is also an increase in cybercrime in the country.

"To build a safer cyber world and support countries in harnessing the power of technology safely, we will work together and contribute to raising awareness regarding cybersecurity and capacity building programs", Eugene said in his official statement, Tuesday, June 15.

The MoU signed by Kaspersky and BSSN will include collaboration in knowledge sharing, capacity building, various cybersecurity training, and joint programs to create cyber awareness in Indonesia.

Preventive and repressive measures to prevent and mitigate the potential threat of cybercrime have been carried out from a technological perspective, but the potential for cyber threats that continues to grow still requires other approaches.

One of them is through user behavior, namely the development of a cybersecurity awareness culture. Phishing, Malware, to attacks that exploit vulnerabilities on devices are often attack methods that take advantage of "user behavior" in carrying out their actions.

"Recognizing potential cyber threats, BSSN and Kaspersky are working to improve overall computing security through a commitment to security, privacy protection, reliability, incident response, and integrity by taking the first step in the form of signing an MoU", explained the Head of BSSN Lieutenant General TNI (Retired), Hinsa Siburian.

It is known, Kaspersky is well known for its deep threat intelligence knowledge and comprehensive security portfolio in countering emerging threats online. During the first quarter of this year, Kaspersky has thwarted 9,639,740 malware that spread through the internet and almost infected users in Indonesia.

"With the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, it is hoped that both Kaspersky and BSSN can commit to each other to build good cooperation, especially in the implementation of cybersecurity in critical infrastructure and capacity building through training, consultation, evaluation of information security, to recovery and response to incidents", added Siburian.