East Java Governor Khofifah Advances As Candidate For Chairman Of Airlangga University Alumni Association

SURABAYA - East Java Governor, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, expressed her willingness to become a candidate for general chairman of the Airlangga University Alumni Association (IKA-UA) for the period 2021-2025.

"It's true, I also registered after the friendship with friends in the last hours", Khofifah said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, June 15.

Khofifah's affirmation is as stated in a statement of willingness as a candidate for the general chairman of Airlangga University Alumni Association which is signed on a stamp duty dated June 14, 2021.

Khofifah is an alumnus of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Airlangga University, to be precise in her undergraduate studies in Political Science in 1984-1991.

In her career in politics, Khofifah has been a member of the House of Representatives, the Indonesian Minister of Women's Empowerment in the government of President Gus Dur, and Vice President Megawati.

Then during the administration of President Jokowi and Jusuf Kalla, Khofifah was also trusted to serve as Minister of Social Affairs.

Currently, Khofifah is still listed as the General Chairperson of the Nahdlatul Ulama Muslimat Central Executive.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of Airlangga University Alumni Association from Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Andik Fadjar Tjahjono, when confirmed said his party supports whoever will be elected through democratic elections.

"But of course I personally support Mrs. Khofifah. However, democratic elections will continue", said the man who currently serves as the Secretary of the East Java Regional House of Representatives.

Besides Khofifah, several other names who have registered are the General Chair of Real Estate Indonesia, Totok Lusida, then there is also expert staff from the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and Independent Commissioner of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Dimas Oky Nugroho.

According to the schedule, the congress of Airlangga University Alumni Association X will be held on July 2-July 3 in Surabaya by contesting 118 votes.