Good News From Ida Fauziyah: The Dispute Of Indomaret Owned By Conglomerate Anthony Salim And Labor Ends Peacefully

JAKARTA - After going through several tough negotiations, finally the management of PT Indomarco Prismatama as the manager of Indomaret, and the management of the Federation of Indonesian Metal Workers Union (FSPMI) agreed to make peace and signed a Collective Agreement document to resolve the problem completely.

The signing of the Collective Agreement between the two parties was witnessed by the Director General of Industrial Relations & Social Security (PHI Jamsos) Indah Anggoro Putri. The Joint Agreement is a form of peaceful action between the two parties following the feud between Anwar Bessy and Indomaret.

"Earlier I received a report from the Director General of PHI and Social Security that both parties agreed to make peace and complete this case. The Ministry of Manpower welcomes and appreciates the signing of a Collective Agreement by the parties to resolve this issue," said the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah in a press release, quoted on Saturday, June 12.

In resolving the Indomaret case as stated in the Collective Agreement, the Minister of Manpower Ida revealed that both parties agreed to settle it amicably by making a peace agreement.

"The most important point is that PT Indomarco Prismatama and FSPMI maintain harmonious industrial relations," said Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah.

Previously, FSPMI and the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) threatened to boycott Indomaret if Indomarco management continued to bring Anwar Bessy's case to court.

Anwar is a company employee who accidentally damaged the company's office gypsum during an action demanding the payment of the 2020 Holiday Allowance (THR) which was still in arrears. Workers stated that the company was in arrears in paying THR to workers by 50 percent.

However, the company claims it has paid THR of one month's wages. The THR payment is in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower Number 6 of 2016 concerning Religious THR for Workers/Labourers in Companies.