Rare News, Two Types Of Rafflesia Flowers Bloom In Bengkulu Forest

JAKARTA - Two types of Rafflesia sp flowers, namely Rafflesia arnoldii and Rafflesia kemumu, have bloomed again in two locations in Bengkulu Province, namely in Kemumu District, North Bengkulu Regency, and Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency.

"Currently, there are two Rafflesia flowers blooming in two districts in Bengkulu and the uniqueness of this flower can still be enjoyed for the next few days," said the Coordinator of Bengkulu Rare Puspa Care Community (KPPL), Sofian, on Thursday in Bengkulu.

He said the location of the rare flower protected by Rafflesia kemumu is located in the protected forest area of ​​Boven Lais Palak Siring, North Bengkulu Regency, while Rafflesia arnoldii blooms in the Rindu Hati Protected Forest Area, Central Bengkulu Regency.

North Bengkulu KPPL administrator, Dani Umbara, said that the distance from the entrance gate of the Palak Siring tourist attraction to the location of the Rafflesia flower blooming can be reached by walking for about 30 minutes.

"In the Kemumu tourist area, there are already many Rafflesia flowers that bloom alternately because there are several habitat points, including the currently blooming Rafflesia kemumu type," he said.

He suggested that people who want to visit and see the rafflesia flower in full bloom can come while still implementing health protocols such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, and always washing hands.

In addition, visitors are also advised to wear "outdoor" clothing, such as hiking, because many visitors have the wrong costume when they come to the location.

His party hopes that the Rafflesia flower habitat will be given more attention by the local government and the central government because currently, the condition of the Rafflesia flower habitat forest is very alarming.

"The condition of the Rafflesia forest habitat as an icon of Bengkulu is currently very concerning, therefore all parties need to give attention and protection," said Dani Umbara.