Asabri Record Losses Of IDR 11.76 Trillion, President Director: Shameful, Corruption Due To Poor Financial Reports

JAKARTA - PT Social Insurance of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia or Asabri (Persero) recorded a loss of IDR 4.8 trillion as of December 2020. The losses experienced by Asabri for three years reached IDR 11.76 trillion.

Asabri's President Director, R Wahyu Suparyono, said the audit of Asabri's 2020 financial report had been completed. The financial report has received a Fair Without Modification (WTM) opinion by the Public Accounting Firm of Amir Abadi Yusuf, Aryanto, Mawar, and Partners.

"We inform you that until 2020, Asabri manages assets of IDR 31.07 trillion. And the last period as of December 31, 2020, has recorded a comprehensive loss of IDR 4.8 trillion with a negative equity position of IDR 13.3 trillion", Wahyu said at a hearing with Commission VI of the House of Representatives, Wednesday, June 9.

Furthermore, Wahyu admitted that Asabri's performance in the last few years was quite embarrassing. In fact, the company obtained a disclaimer and did not obtain an opinion from an audit agency. This happened in 2018.

While the financial audit for the 2019 Fiscal Year, the company obtained an opinion but there were modifications. This process began to improve in 2020 when the affiliated public accounting firm Amir Abadi Jusuf Aryanto gave a fair opinion without modification.

"This opinion is better than 2019, it is natural with modifications, although we admit that 2019 is very late and very embarrassing for SOEs, it was resolved when we were present in October 2020. For the 2019 financial year", he said.

Based on the search for financial statements several years ago and audits of 2019 and 2020 financial statements, Wahyu found that losses continued to occur. The value of comprehensive losses also accumulated to double digits.

"In the last three years, if we accumulated it, the comprehensive loss was IDR 11.76 trillion", he said.

He admitted that the corruption case in Asabri caused the company's financial statements to be neglected. Therefore, when shareholders appoint new management, there is hope that the company's performance can be improved.

"When I came in, how come there was no report at all, it turns out I was confused in August I entered, oh, this is a state-owned company, so I and the board of directors and commissioners agree that 2020 is never too late, and Alhamdulillah we work professionally without any past interests", he said.