Good News From Papua, Financing For The Admission Of Police Officer Candidates Comes From Special Autonomy Fund

JAKARTA - The Papuan Provincial Government said that the funding for the process of accepting candidates for National Police Officers for two thousand youths of Papuan Natives (OAP) from five customary areas on Earth of Cenderawasih came from the Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus).

Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Papua Province Dance Yulian Flassy in Jayapura, Tuesday, said the quota of two thousand National Police NCO candidates is an agreement between the Provincial Government and the Papuan Regional Police and is ready to finance through Special Autonomy funds.

"The Papuan Provincial Government is ready to support through financing from the Special Autonomy Fund, but the acceptance process is under the authority of the Papuan Police," he said.

According to Dance, it is necessary to remind again that the available quota of two thousand is under the authority of the Papua Regional Police, not the regional government.

"This is an agreement between the Governor and the Papuan Police Chief, namely the quota of candidates for NCO or NCO Noken which is agreed upon is two thousand people," he said.

He explained that the struggle to agree on the formation for the recruitment of the National Police NCO candidates, which reached a quota of two thousand people, was not easy.

Meanwhile, Regional Supervision Inspector of Papua Police, Grand Commissioner Pol Alfred Papare said related to the Noken NCO quota itself, it has been decided that there will be no additions this year, which is only two thousand personnel.

"In this Noken NCO selection, the Papuan Police Chief has also given a policy by providing facilities for prospective students outside of the central policy," he said.

He explained that the special registration interest for the NCO is more than seven thousand in Papua, but in accordance with the decision and agreement that the quota prepared is only two thousand people.

"There are no additions for these two thousand people, the selection decision has been made, while those who are still continuing will continue to take part in the selection, of the seven thousand more registrants divided into five thousand Papuan children and now there are three thousand more who are still taking part in the selection," he said.

He added that for applicants who were born and raised in Papua, there are still more than a thousand who follow the next selection, there is no decision to add and so on, those who fall are still given the opportunity to register again next year, if they are still interested.

Previously, there had been a riot in the yard of the Jayapura Dok II Governor's Office because the applicants who did not pass the selection questioned the results of the meeting between the Papua Provincial Government and the Papua Police which discussed the candidate for the National Police NCO.

However, the action was quickly quelled by the police by throwing tear gas and deploying personnel to disperse the crowd that had gathered in the middle of the Jayapura Dok II governor's office yard.

The registrants also previously held a peaceful demonstration in the courtyard of the governor's office Dok II Jayapura on Friday, June 4.