Supporting A Healthy Lifestyle, Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya Builds Bike Lanes In 6 Cities

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation supports the cycling trend in the country by building special lanes for bicycles in 6 districts/cities. The goal is to expand bicycles as a means of transportation to work, make a living, and other activities while building a healthy lifestyle.

The six regencies or cities are Surakarta, Purworejo, Salatiga, Klaten, Magelang and Palembang. This includes DKI Jakarta which has built quite a number of special bicycle lanes in various areas.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the government realized that bicycles were a very important, useful, and alternative means of transportation for everyday life.

"Working on a bicycle, trading on a bicycle, all of that can be done while doing activities and exercising. Remember this also shows our love for the environment", he said, in Jakarta, Friday, June 4.

In addition, said Budi, bicycles are also a first mile and last mile transportation facility. That is, the concept of cycling must be able to provide an alternative in an effort to make a good and healthy transition between modes. Including consistency in terms of determination so that it is expected to provide benefits to the community

"For example, if we live in Bekasi, we ride bicycles to the station from our homes, take our bicycles after arriving at Gondangdia, then ride another bicycle to our respective offices", he said.

Furthermore, Budi said various regulations regarding cycling have been issued to ensure safety. One of the derivatives of this regulation concerns the maximum allowed vehicle speed, which is 30 km/hour.

"A maximum of 30 km/hour, this is a sign that we are indeed required to limit speed in urban areas, in residential areas in order to maintain safety. Of course, we can get things that are healthy, safe, green, and livable (by cycling)", he said.

For this reason, Budi encourages the commitment of local governments to provide bicycle infrastructure. Because, said Budi, infrastructure is closely related to safety. Meanwhile, safety will be realized if the government sets an example, makes rules, and socializes so that bicycles become a way of life for all people.

"We see that what we are doing now is part of the efforts suggested by the President in our respective ways to continue to carry out activities actively by maintaining health protocols", he explained.

Budi appealed to cyclists to comply with safety protocols such as wearing helmets, installing lights, and regulating speed. In addition, Budi said he was optimistic that cycling activities in Jakarta could inspire other cities to cycle.