A Dead Whale Stranded On North Lombok Beach

LOMBOK - A dead whale was found stranded on the shore of Dusun Teluk, Sukadana Village, North Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

The North Lombok Police Public Relations Officer, Bripka Wiswakarma, confirmed the discovery of the carcass of a marine mammal measuring about five meters. Bayan Police personnel to carry out joint handling with the community and related agencies.

"We received information that the whale carcass was found by residents stranded on the shore of Dusun Teluk, Sukadana Village, Bayan District, at around 06.30 WITA", said Wiswakarma, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 3.

According to residents, the whale that was stranded on the beach was found dead and starting to emit a foul smell.

His party did not know for sure the cause of the whale's death, but from estimates and information from residents, the fish swallowed a turtle that was still stuck in its mouth.

"Judging from its condition, which has emitted a foul odor, we suspect that the whale had died in the middle of the sea a few days ago and its carcass washed up on the beach today", he said.

Meanwhile, the Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Manager (PELP) of the Denpasar Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL) in the West Nusa Tenggara Working Area, Barmawi, admitted that he had received information on the discovery of the pilot whale carcass. Furthermore, immediate treatment will be carried out most effectively and efficiently.

He said his party would coordinate with the leadership and local government to handle the whale carcass, by burying it or burning it, or drowning it.

"Currently it is getting dark (at night), so the handling will be carried out tomorrow morning", he said.