Just In 1 Hour, The Concoction Of Coconut Water, Lime And Salt Is Powerful To Kill COVID-19, Is It True?

JAKARTA - WhatsApp chain messages are again enlivened with information about concoctions of COVID-19 healing drugs. It is said that the mixture of young coconut (water) with lime and salt can cure this dangerous virus.

In the narrative, the chain message spreaders said that this medicine was a very potent gift from God.

"Please help tell our brothers and sisters who have COVID-19. This is a medicine given by God that is easy to get which is very effective. 1 young coconut water, 1 squeezed lime seeds, and 1 tablespoon of salt. Stir everything and then drink the water. It is guaranteed 1 hour later the virus will disappear", said the content of the message quoted from Turnbackhoaks, Sunday, May 30.

The disseminator also wants this message to be passed on to the family so that they can overcome the COVID-19 virus. Is this information true?

After doing some searching, it's not true. Cited from the Liputan6 news page, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Pharmacologist, Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati, Apt said, this has not been clinically proven.

"So the public is asked not to easily accept information that does not have clinical evidence".

The results of fact checks with similar narratives have also been uploaded on the turnbackhoax.id page with the titles "Coconut Water, Lime, and Salt for COVID-19 Medicine" and A Mixture of Young Coconut Water, Lime, and Salt Can Kill Coronavirus".

"Thus, the narrative circulating through Whatsapp which says that a mixture of coconut water, lime and salt can cure COVID-19 is not true and falls into the category of misleading content", he said.