DKI Receives Red Report Card From The Ministry Of Health, But Anies Baswedan Claims The Handling Of COVID-19 Is Under Control

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta is the only province with a pandemic handling score with a red report card or an E score. The Ministry of Health considers that the capital city has the worst in handling COVID-19 compared to other provinces.

This was disclosed by Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono in a joint working meeting with Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR RI), yesterday.

"We see that there are still many who are still in control, except for Jakarta. Jakarta has a capacity of E because the BOR (filling of the bed) has started to increase and the tracing cases are not too good", said Dante.

Meanwhile, all provinces on the island of Kalimantan have a D, all provinces in Sulawesi have a C, in Java, except for Jakarta, have a D, almost all provinces on the island of Sumatra have a D, Bali is D, NTB is D, NTT is C, Maluku, and North Maluku with a C score, West Papua a D value, and Papua a C score.

"Based on the recommendations we made earlier in the matrix, there are several regions that have entered D category and E category such as Jakarta. But some are still in C, meaning that BOR is not too (filled) and provincial control is still good", he explained.

The indicators for assessing the handling of a pandemic in each province are seen from the level of transmission rate, namely indicators of the number of cases, the presence of imported cases, the emergence of case clusters, to the transmission of cases on a community scale.

Then, the level of transmission rate is juxtaposed with the level of the provincial government response capacity in handling cases, namely testing, tracing, and treatment (3T).

Looking back, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan once said that the condition of COVID-19 in Jakarta as of May 14 was under control.

"Currently in Jakarta, we generally have the lowest situation. For example (the occupancy of the bed) at the Wisma Atlet is around 20 percent, then our isolation level is between 24-28 percent", said Anies.

DKI Deputy Governor was reluctant to give a comment

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, did not want to respond to the results of the Ministry of Health's assessment regarding the handling of the pandemic in the Capital City, given a rating of E. Riza was reluctant to give a comment because he did not know the details of the assessment results.

"I haven't read the results yet. I'll read them first, then I'll give my opinion. Meanwhile, no comments", said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, May 27.

Riza admits that he will re-check the basis of assessment by the Ministry of Health to give a "red" report card to DKI. However, Riza still considers the handling of COVID-19 by DKI Governor Anies Baswedan and his staff to be quite good.

Without mentioning the data, he claimed that the cure rate for COVID-19 cases continued to increase, the death rate continued to decline, health workers continued to be added, the bed capacity for COVID-19 patients was also under control.

"Together with the central government and the central Task Force, with Regional leadership coordination forum (Forkopimda), with all ranks, with all communities, with the private sector, collaborate to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. To reduce and break the chain", he said.