Continuing To Increase, Residents Of Griya Melati Bogor Housing Positive For COVID-19 Are 85 People

BOGOR - The Mayor of Bogor, West Java, Bima Arya Sugiarto stated that there were 15 more residents of Griya Melati Housing, Bubulak Village, West Bogor District, who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. Now the total number of residents exposed to COVID-19 is 85 people.

"From the results of the PCR swab test conducted by the Health Office on the 397 residents of the housing complex on Wednesday (26/5), the results are known that on Thursday, there are an additional 15 people positive for COVID-19, bringing the total to 85 people," he said at Balai Bogor City, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, May 27.

He explained that after 397 residents of Griya Melati Housing underwent a PCR swab test and previously 252 people had undergone the same test. So all 649 residents of the housing have tested for COVID-19.

As the Head of the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Bima Arya instructed the Health Office to carry out a PCR swab test for all residents of Griya Melati Housing to find out the health status of each person in the housing and to break the chain of transmission of COVID-19.

From the results of the PCR swab test for all residents of Griya Melati Housing in several stages, he said, the results were as many as 85 people tested positive, since Monday, May 17.

As many as 15 people who tested positive on Thursday, May 27, were still in the educational process before being evacuated to the Bogor City COVID-19 Isolation Center at BPKP Ciawi.

"The COVID-19 Isolation Center in the BPKP Education and Training Center building has a capacity of 100 people, until yesterday it was filled with 71 people. If you add 15 more people, it will be 86 people. Hopefully, there will be no more positive additions," he said.

Bima Arya said that from the results of the research from the Bogor City COVID-19 Task Force, it was concluded that there were three possible causes for the spread of COVID-19 in Griya Melati Housing, and all of them were religious activities at the mosque in the housing complex.

"The three possible causes are the i'tikaf activities and Friday prayers in the month of Ramadan before Eid al-Fitr, as well as the Eid al-Fitr prayer activities," said Bima Arya.