Local Governments Must Ensure The Development Of COVID-19 Ahead Of The Opening Of Face-to-Face Learning

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) appealed to the regional government (Pemda) to continue to pay attention to information on the development of COVID-19 cases during the opening of face-to-face learning.

This is to ensure and prevent students and teachers from being exposed to the virus.

"Conducting regular comprehensive COVID-19 tests for students and teachers as well as other parties involved in school activities. The test that is conducted is not a random test, but a comprehensive test, considering that it relates to the health conditions of students and teachers", said Bamsoet, Thursday, May 27.

In addition, he continued, the local government must also have reviewed and evaluated, and tested the feasibility before implementing the plan. This includes schools that have started doing face-to-face learning.

"Do not let the prevention or handling of COVID-19 be taken after the cluster is formed", he said.

According to Bamsoet, early anticipation efforts are needed so that face-to-face learning conditions can be carried out safely.

He said that during face-to-face learning, the government and the school conducted an evaluation every two weeks regarding the development of the COVID-19 case against school students, and also the implementation of the health protocol (Prokes) was implemented.

"Not only at school, but starting with students leaving home, traveling to school, in the school environment, until when students return home", said the Golkar Party politician.

Bamsoet also asked the central government in coordination with local governments to ensure that local governments are truly responsible for licensing school openings.

"And also ask the local government to prepare a budget for swab tests in the Regional Budget (APBD), to meet the needs for swab tests at schools every two weeks, both for students, teachers, and other parties involved in school activities, and not burdening the budget entirely to the school", he concluded.