Waiting For KPK Efforts To Reveal Corruption Cases In Papua

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, And Security (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD some time ago mentioned there are 10 cases of corruption in Papua that are being investigated. The investigation of this practice was carried out by law enforcement agencies, one of which is the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

In a press conference on the current situation in Papua on Wednesday, May 19, Mahfud MD said there were 10 cases of alleged corruption under investigation. The government also did not hesitate to investigate this matter.

"We already have 10 major corruption cases that law enforcement will also do against them," Mahfud told reporters on Wednesday, May 19.

These findings, he continued, were obtained from reports from the Audit Board of Finance (BPK) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). However, the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) did not elaborate further on the corruption.

Related to this, KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri said his party is ready to investigate alleged corruption cases in Papua. Especially with regard to special autonomy funds.

He didn't detail what allegations of corruption his men were investigating. Firli just made sure, the investigation of alleged corruption is indeed being carried out by his men.

"We want to tell you what the KPK is doing. I'm sorry I can't say one by one," Firli said at a press conference at the KPK Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, May 20.

He promised to be open about the process of handling the case. "In time we will tell you the extent of the handling of the case that occurred in the regions that obtained special autonomy funds," he said.

Acting Kpk Spokesman Ali Fikri also confirmed that his agency is investigating alleged corruption in Papua. Data collection and examination of parties suspected of knowing of this alleged corruption is also being conducted.

"Currently KPK is right to conduct further deepening by collecting a number of data and requests for information on parties related to alleged corruption in the Papua region," he said.

Although he did not elaborate further, but he mentioned this alleged cheating practice occurred related to the procurement process to the giving of bribes and gratuities.

The case being investigated by KPK in Papua

At least two cases of corruption in Papua have been made public by the anti-corruption commission. The first is alleged corruption related to the construction of Kingmi Mile Church Phase 1, fiscal year 2015 in Mimika Regency.

KPK is currently in the investigation stage. A number of parties have been examined as witnesses, including former officials in the Mimika regency government since November 2020.

The Kingmi Mile Church project is estimated to cost up to around Rp160 million. However, the anti-corruption commission has not announced the names of suspects in the alleged corruption case as well as how much the state lost as a result of the perpetrators' actions.

Other cases that KPK is investigating are alleged bribery and gratification. However, the anti-corruption commission is still reluctant to open a vote on the allegations.

The reason is that the case is still under investigation and confidentiality needs to be maintained so that the investigation can run smoothly.

KPK promised to disclose all developments in the handling of the matter. Therefore, the community is asked to be patient waiting for the party to finish work.