Minister Nadiem Makarim Hopes Vaccinated Artists Can Work Again

JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim expects fully vaccinated art actors to be able to work again with a sense of security.

"How do we want to be creative if we don't feel safe. Mr. President also always reminds, the DNA of this nation is art and culture," said The Minister of Education when reviewing the implementation of the second dose of vaccination against culturalists, writers, performers, film actors, musicians, and other elements in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Thursday, May 20.

He delivered the implementation of vaccines that coincide with the 113-year National Awakening Day is also expected to teach us as a plural nation to unite and spirit facing the future.

"Although we still face a pandemic, I hope the character of this nation can become more resilient. Of course, culture plays a key role as a formidable shaper of the nation's character," he said.

On the same occasion, Director General of Culture of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Hilmar Farid said the provision of COVID-19 vaccine to artists and culturalists is an effort by the government to protect all elements of society.

"In addition to vaccination, the Ministry of Education continues to initiate various programs and support to encourage the promotion of culture even in times of pandemic," said Hilmar.

A number of artists such as writer Laksmi Pamuntjak, dancer Anggawati from Wayang Orang Bharata, musician Jubing Kristianto, actress Asri Welas, Gita Gutawa, to Comedian Lies Hartono or known as Cak Lontong attended the second dose of vaccination.

Cak Lontong said that implementing COVID-19 vaccination is the best way to do it together to get through the pandemic.

"Hopefully on this National Awakening Day we can rise up against COVID-19," he said.

Also reviewing this activity was the Special Staff of President Sukardi Rinakit. The second dose vaccination for artists and culturalists of DKI Jakarta was carried out by Wisma Atletthe COVID-19 Emergency Hospital Team with the support of the Health Office and the Cultural Office of DKI Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the type of vaccine used is the Sinovac vaccine.