Good News Comes From North Sulawesi, COVID-19 Cure Rate Reaches 94.07 Percent
JAKARTA - The recovery rate for patients who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19 in North Sulawesi Province continues to increase and has reached 94.07 percent.
"So the accumulation of COVID-19 patients who have been declared cured is 14,775 people," said the Spokesperson for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 for North Sulawesi, dr Steaven Dandel MPH, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 19.
The five regions with the highest recovery rates are Manado City 4,872 people (positive cases 5,314 people), Minahasa Regency 1,793 people (positive cases 1,869 people), Tomohon City 1,604 people (positive cases 1,670 people) people), North Minahasa Regency 1,325 people (number of positive cases 1,377 people), and Bitung City 1,209 people (positive cases 1,261 people).
On Tuesday (18/5) there was no additional daily new cases of COVID-19, so the total population in the province With a population of more than 2.6 million, 15,706 people were confirmed positive.
"We hope that residents continue to apply strict health protocols to break the chain of spreading COVID-19," he said.
Doctor Steaven added, of the accumulated positive cases, 537 people were reported to have died with a Case Fatality Rate of 3.42 percent.
Meanwhile, active cases temporarily receiving treatment or independent isolation were 394 people or 2.51 percent.