Feeling Tough Guy! Not Accepting Reprimanded, A North Maluku DPRD Member Of Gerindra Faction Hit the Police

JAKARTA - The disgraceful action of a member of the North Maluku DPRD from the Gerindra faction, Wahda Z Iman, circulated on social media. The Gerindra politician deliberately attacked the traffic police when he was warned not to park his vehicle on the shoulder of the road.

Based on the video uploaded by the Instagram account @jurnalisjunior, the DPRD member was reprimanded by a member of the traffic police for parking on the shoulder of the road.

Received a warning, he actually started the car and hit the officer. Even though the car was running slowly, the action was still dangerous.

Head of Public Relations of the North Maluku Police, Grand Commissioner Adip Rojikan, who was confirmed about the viral video, confirmed it. According to him, this disgraceful action by the DPRD officers took place on the Kampung Pisang road, next to Colombus, Ternate, North Maluku Province.

"That's right, members of the provincial DPRD. Stopped by the side of the road which ate up the road, which resulted in disrupting traffic," said Adip to reporters, Sunday, May 9.

The Ternate Police have already handled this problem. Currently, continued Adip, the case is currently in the process of being investigated by examining eyewitnesses at the scene of the incident.

However, the North Maluku DPRD Gerindra faction member has not yet been summoned to be questioned.

"We have not examined the person concerned (DPRD), the progress is still being investigated in Ternate Police," said Adip.

"When the witness has completed the supporting evidence, the Ternate Police will coordinate with the Regional Police. Because it involves individual members of the province, that's how it is," he continued.