Economic Difficulty, Residents Complain of Rp100,000 Fines for Health Protocol in Bukittinggi

PADANG - Citizens of Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra are required to adhere to the disciplinary health protocol (prokes) during their activities. If they violate, the residents will be fined Rp100,000 by the Justicia operation team.

"Honestly, we object, especially with the current economic situation, it is better if the government and security forces only impose a deterrent effect such as social sanctions," said Bukittinggi city observer, Rinaldi, in Bukittinggi as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 4.

He considered that multiple sentences were needed to provide a deterrent effect on the community even though the authorities had carried out the socialization of the health program regulations.

"It is true that there has been socialization before, but over time the pandemic has fluctuated in the number of patients, residents also do not always pay attention to this COVID-19 information," he said.

According to him, the voices of residents' objections to the Rp100,000 fine were also seen on various social media in Bukittinggi.

"Every time there is news about COVID-19, let alone fines, we can see that the majority of residents are uneasy about it," continued Rinaldi.

Despite rejecting the fine, Rinaldi who is also the Chairman of the Indonesian Retail Entrepreneurs Association (Aprindo) Bukittinggi stated that he still supports the health protocol that must still be applied in his daily activities.

Previously, as many as 18 residents were caught in the raids by the Justicia Operation Team at one of the "Pabukoan Markets" behind Bukittinggi City Blocks on Monday, May 3.

"Raids and fines of Rp100,000 are given to violators in accordance with Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2020," said the Head of Operations Section (Kabag Ops) of the Bukittinggi Police, Police Commissioner Suyatno.

The Justicia Operation joint team in Bukittinggi had previously carried out control over health protocol violators at the Simpang Aur Terminal and caught as many as 30 residents without wearing masks.