Understanding Narsistic Disorders: Symptoms, Causes, And Handling

JAKARTA - Narsistic Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a mental health condition characterized by an excessive sense of self-interest and a very high need for recognition and admiration from others.
Reporting from the Mayo Clinic page, people who experience this disorder often feel that they are superior and have privileges from others, and expect special treatment. Even though they seem confident, they actually tend to be fragile in terms of self-esteem and are easily offended if they feel less special or get criticism.
Symptoms Of NPD
Symptoms of eccentric personality disorders can vary in each individual, but some of the common symptoms that often appear are:
1. Feel superior
NPD sufferers often have very high feelings of self and feel they are superior to others. They often boast about achievements or abilities that may actually be normal.
2. Need excessive praise
People with the NPD feel worthy of getting attention, recognition, and admiration from others. They are very dependent on the praise for feeling good about themselves.
3. Feeling entitled to a special treatment
They believe that others should follow their wishes without questions and often expect special treatment.
4. Exploitation of Others for Personal Interest
People with NPD often manipulate others to meet their personal needs or benefits, regardless of the feelings or needs of others.
5. Not Accepting Criticism
When they get criticism or rejection, they tend to react angryly or feel insulted. They may try to demean others to increase their self-esteem.
6. Jealous And Feeling Others Are Jealous Of Them
Often, people with NPD are jealous of other people's achievements or successes and believe others are also jealous of them.
Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause of the NPD is not clearly known. However, some factors that can affect the emergence of this disturbance include:
1. Genetics Factor
Some researchers argue that this disorder can be lowered through genetic factors, where people with certain personality tendencies may be more susceptible to NPD.
2. Family environment
Protection styles that are too protective or give excessive praise can lead to photosic personality developments. On the other hand, neglecting it can also affect the emergence of this disturbance.
3. Childhood Experience
Childhood experiences involving feelings of insecurity or being treated in an inconsistent way (overpracticed or over-criticized) can trigger the development of NPD in children who already have the potential for this disturbance.
Treatment and Therapy
NPD disorders are difficult to overcome, because sufferers usually don't feel something is wrong with themselves. They may only seek treatment or psychologists if they feel depressed or have other problems, such as substance abuse.
Effective therapy is usually a psychotherapy, which helps sufferers to understand their unhealthy mindset and learn how to interact better with others.
This therapy can help them to raise self-awareness, empathy for others, manage emotions and react to criticism, and develop healthier relationships.