Baznas: Digital Zakat Payments Still Legal
JAKARTA - The head of the National Zakat Agency (Baznas) Rizaludin Kurniawan emphasized that people do not need to worry if they want to do zakat practically without face-to-face via digital channels because the law is still valid.
He explained that zakat is an obligation for all Muslims who have the ability, must come from lawful assets, and have a certain size and time.
"Meanwhile, the method of paying it can be through anything and any media, including digital electronic media. You can go directly to amil zakat, transfers, or digital channels and electronic money," said Rizaludin in a press conference of the collaboration between GoPay and Baznas, as reported by Antara, Thursday, April 22.
For people who want to pay zakat through digital channels, he suggests looking for an official institution that has obtained permission. and have clear regulations. Also look for institutions that have features where users can choose to pay zakat, donations, or alms so that the money distributed is not mixed. Then, make sure the institution gives notification that zakat has been received.
"The channels for paying zakat can vary because Islam is easy and easy," he said.
The potential for zakat, infaq, and alms in Indonesia is estimated at Rp. 300 trillion.
Compared to conventional zakat, the share of people who pay zakat digitally is almost 25 percent. Currently, one of the obstacles is socialization so that people are increasingly familiar with other payment alternatives that are more practical via digital.
"There is still an assumption that zakat must be done conventionally, even though it is not a legal requirement," he said.
Zakat is considered valid if there is an intention and the transfer of property to mustahik (zakat recipient) through amil who collects and distributes zakat. As long as people have intended and their funds have been transferred through amil, then zakat is valid.
By the end of 2021, Baznas targets to collect zakat, infaq, and alms of IDR 503 billion, with a target of 30 percent coming from digital transactions.
GoPay's managing director, Budi Gandasoebrate, said the transaction digital continues to be the community's choice during a pandemic, including for charity. The number of GoPay users who pay zakat through the GoTagihan feature in the Gojek application has almost tripled in 2020 compared to the previous year.
"However, education about the benefits of digital ZIS payments must be improved. In collaboration with BAZNAS, in this month of Ramadan, we are conducting socialization. The Cinta Zakat Movement to various levels of Indonesian society, including education to millions of driver-partners and merchants who are members of the Gojek ecosystem. We hope that this effort can increase public interest in being able to donate digitally, so as to maximize zakat collection which will help the Indonesian economy recover, " said Budi.