DKI DPRD Asks For Budget Efficiency Not To Disturb Reses-Kunker, Observer: Requests Worth Repairing

JAKARTA - Executive Director of the Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Dedi Kurnia Syah responded to the request of the DKI Jakarta DPRD so that the budget efficiency that must be carried out by the DKI Provincial Government does not interfere with the recess budget until the council's working visit (kunker).
According to Dedi, the DKI Provincial Government, in this case the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) does not need to fully comply with the request.
This is because budget cuts in legislative activities such as accounts and recesses do not have a direct impact on basic community services.
"This request deserves to be ignored considering that the account for the DPRD or even the DPR, is not an activity that has an impact on the community, including the recess budget," Dedi told reporters, Friday, February 7.
Dedi views that the portion of DPRD working visits so far is more in the form of ceremonial activities and seems to waste the budget.
In fact, according to him, the recess in the form of activities going down to the electoral district absorbs the aspirations of constituents that fall into the crucial category politically, sometimes not carried out optimally.
"So, it would be very good if there were efficiency efforts from these two activities," said Dedi.
For information, President Prabowo Subianto issued Presidential Instruction Number 1 of 2025 concerning Expenditure Efficiency in the Implementation of the APBN and APBD.
In the instruction, Prabowo ordered all ministries, institutions, and local governments to make efficiency in a number of budget items.
In a meeting that discussed the efficiency of the DKI Provincial Government's budget, Commission A of the DKI DPRD requested that the 3 Jakarta legislative work programs not be cut. Among them are the recess budget, supervision of local government legal products, and kunker.
Member of Commission A of the DKI DPRD M Fuadi Luthfi emphasized that the three god programs that are expected not to be affected by budget efficiency are important matters related to the supervisory function of legislative members.
"We hope that in terms of budget efficiency we will not target it, because the control function wants us to do as much as possible so that all council activities that intersect with the community can be carried out optimally," said Fuadi at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building, Wednesday, February 5.
However, Fuadi admitted that his party had no problem cutting the DPRD official travel budget, especially in offices abroad. This is because the official travel funds are one of the budget items ordered by Prabowo to be streamlined.
"If we travel abroad, it means that we must obey and submit to the Presidential Instruction. So, we also can't force it to be related to that, because if it really has to be efficient. Once (official travel), that's enough," explained Fuadi.