The KKEP Session Of The DWP Extortion Case Was Held Again, 2 Police Sanctioned With 5 And 8 Years Of Democracy

JAKARTA - The Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) trial related to the 2024 Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) audience extortion case was held again today.

The alleged violators are Kompol JN and AKP F with a decision to impose demotion sanctions for 5 and 8 years.

The implementation of the KKEP trial was conveyed by the Commissioner of Kompolnas, Choirul Anam, the external supervisor in handling extortion cases by members of the National Police.

"For the two suspected violators, Kompol JN and AKP F," said Choirul Anam to VOI, Thursday, January 9.

At the KKEP trial which was held at Polda Metro Jaya, both were found guilty. Both were sentenced to demotion.

Kompol JN was sentenced to 5 years of demotion and AKP F 8 years. Then, the second was also sanctioned by patsus for 30 days.

"Kompol JN demosi 5 tahun, AKP F demosi 8 tahun," kata Choirul Anam.

Based on ST/429/XII/KEP.2024, the police with the initials JN is believed to be Kompol Jamalinus Profit Pandapotan Nababan, who served as the Head of Drugs at the Central Jakarta Metro Police. Meanwhile, F is AKP Fauzan, the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police.

However, this matter Choirul Anam did not straightforwardly justify or deny. It is only stated that they are not from the Polda Metro Jaya.

"The information is because the suspect is not from the regional police but the lower level," he said.

Previously, 12 members of the National Police had been tried ethically in connection with the extortion case for DWP spectators.

They are Kombes Donald Parlaungan Simanjuntak, AKP Yudhy Triananta Syaeful, and AKBP Malvino Edward Yusticia, all of whom were sentenced to dishonorable dismissal or dismissal (PTDH).

In addition, Kompol Dzul Fadlan, Iptu SM, and S received a demotion sanction for 8 years.

Meanwhile, Brigadier FRS, Aiptu Armadi Juli Marasi Gultom, Bripka Wahyu Tri Haryanto, Brigadier Dwi Wicaksono, Brigadier D, and Bripka Ready Pratama received 5 years of demotion.