Hasto Prepares Pleidoi 7 Languages Although Not Yet Detained By KPK

The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto has prepared the worst possibility after being named a suspect by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). One of them is to prepare a plea or memorandum of defense which will be read out at trial.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the PDIP DPP for Legal Reform Ronny B. Talapesy in response to the determination of the suspect Hasto. He said the plea was prepared in seven languages so that the law enforcement process in the country could be monitored internationally.

"Mas Hasto told me, later the plea will be delivered in seven languages so that the world can watch it," Ronny told reporters at a press conference at the PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 9.

In addition to the plea, later the Hasto legal team will present their statements in seven languages with the same aim. This is because the handling of the bribery case for the management of interim replacement (PAW) members of the DPR and the obstruction of the investigation that ensnared Hasto from the start was accused of being full of drama.

For example, the use of a suitcase by investigators when transporting the results of a search at Hasto's house on Tuesday, January 7. In fact, at that time only a flash drive and a small notebook were found.

"Public logic logic logic cannot accept the reason why investigators need a suitcase to simply store/secur a USB, flashdisk and a small notebook. We see this as part of a series of opinion sways that have been going on since the first summons and the two secretary generals accompanied by cell phone confiscation," explained Ronny.

"This search confirms that the KPK did not have sufficient evidence when it suspected Hasto Kristiyanto," he continued.

It did not stop there, the legal process that was running at the KPK also did not have a legal background but there were other allegations. The reason is because there has been a leaked investigation warrant (sprindik) first.

Then, the KPK's move to summon witnesses after naming Hasto as a suspect was also in the spotlight.

"So we suspect that the suspect has just been named looking for witness statements and evidence," said the lawyer.

Previously reported, the KPK developed an interim replacement bribery (PAW) case that ensnared former KPU commissioner Wahyu Setiawan and his fugitive, Harun Masiku. Two people were later named as suspects, namely PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and Donny Tri Istiqomah who are PDIP cadres as well as lawyers.

It didn't stop there, Hasto was also a suspect in the obstruction of the investigation. He is suspected of trying to obstruct the legal process, one of which is by asking Harun to damage his cellphone and run away after the hand arrest operation (OTT) was carried out.

Hasto has been summoned by investigators to be questioned as a suspect on Monday, January 6 yesterday. However, he asked for a postponement because there was a series of PDIP Anniversary events that had already been scheduled.

He then confirmed that he would fulfill the investigator's summons on Monday, January 13. Hasto admitted that he was ready to undergo the legal process with full responsibility and would cooperate.