Minister Of P2MI-Kapolri Meets, Plans For The Establishment Of TIP Desk
JAKARTA - Minister of Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (P2MI) Abdul Kadir Karding met with National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. The two discussed plans to form a desk or task force for the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO).
The second meeting took place at the Rupatama Building, Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 9.
"So we will form a special desk for PMI unprocedural and TIP. So later here there will be our team from the ministry and his team who will later participate in handling unprocedural and TIP," Karding told reporters after the meeting.
According to him, the formation of a decs or TIP task force solely aims to protect Indonesian citizens (WNI) who work abroad.
Because, based on data from the Ministry of P2MI, almost all Indonesian migrant workers were hit by problems. Starting from exploitation, overcharging, injustice, to human trafficking.
"How to save, protect our citizens in that they certainly do not experience or minimize unfair treatment, exploitation, and even tend to modern slavery abroad," said Karding.
Meanwhile, the National Police Chief emphasized that he supports the plan to form a decs or TIP task force. In fact, they will not hesitate to take action against the individuals involved
"Of course this is our agreement to take action against the individuals involved," said Sigit.
In addition, the National Police is said to be increasing cooperation with relevant ministries and institutions. Thus, the welfare and safety of migrant workers can be guaranteed.
"We will also increase cooperation through preventing preventive activities, law enforcement, and of course how we cooperate with the relevant ministries of institutions with how to think about the fate of our people who have already been trapped in syndicates or have already departed through procedural channels," said Sigit.