Police Will Completely Investigate The Case Of Teachers Obscencing Dozens Of Children In Ciledug

JAKARTA - The police have stated that they will thoroughly investigate the alleged abuse of dozens of children by a Koran teacher with the initials W in the South Sudimara area, Ciledug, Tangerang City.

The latest development, the Tangerang Metro Police who handled the case are still looking for the whereabouts of W, who is said to have left his residence some time ago.

"Our commitment, in this case, will thoroughly investigate this case procedurally, professionally and proportionally," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi to reporters, Thursday, January 9.

In an effort to uncover the case, investigation steps have been carried out, starting from examining witnesses to processing the crime scene (TKP).

The investigation was carried out after the Tangerang Metro Police received a report of alleged abuse of children registered with the number LP/B/1533/XII/2024/SPKT/POLRES METRO TANGERANG KOTA/POLDA METRO JAYA.

"After receiving the report, the officers conducted a crime scene investigation, then made a post-mortem, then interrogated the parties, in this case the complainant, the victim and several witnesses," said Ade.

Previously, it was reported that the Head of the Tangerang City UPTD-PPA, Titto Chairil Yustiadin, provided assistance to dozens of children suspected of being victims of sexual abuse Ustaz W (40) in Ciledug, Tangerang City.

Based on the victim's confession, the sodomy action was carried out by W after holding a recitation at the taklim assembly. In fact, it was done several times with the same victim.

"It was done several times after completing the recitation at the taklim assembly," said Titto.