Engineering Caring For Dollar Plants Or ZZ Plants To Grow Fertile

JAKARTA - Dollar plants or ZZ plants are one of the plants that must be owned for your ornamental plant collection. This plant is one of the most easy to care for, just like snake plants and pothos. Its round gap is able to hold water, so you don't have to worry if you forget to water occasionally.

Unlike many tropical plants that require bright light, the dollar plant is much more tolerant.

"This plant can grow anywhere, from low to bright light levels," said Alfred Palomares, vice president of marketing and head of plantations,

"This plant can even tolerate dim light conditions, such as office and home dark corners," he said as quoted by the Country Living page, Tuesday, January 7.

However, don't think that dim light means no light. This plant requires lighting. Do not plant this plant in a windowless room, or this plant will find it difficult to grow.

This plant also does not grow well in direct sunlight, which will cause it to be "burned by the sun." So, keep this plant a few feet from where it is exposed to sunlight, or use a thin curtain to spread light.

Because this plant comes from Africa, so it can survive in a period of drought, even if the drought is caused by forgetting to water. That means you only need to water it once every few weeks. If the plant is in a bright place, you may need to water it more often or more rarely in dim light, said Palomares.

But before watering, put your finger into the ground and feel the ground. If the top of the soil is about 2 inches dry, flush it. If the soil sticks to your finger, wait a few days and try again. This plant will die if you water it excessively because this plant can't stand very wet soil.

It's not entirely necessary because, of course, plants make their own food through photosynthesis. But if you want to give him a little boost, give him regular ornamental plant fertilizer once or twice a year in spring or summer, Palomares said. That's not necessary in winter when plant growth slows down.

Unfortunately, ZZ plants contain calcium oxalat crystals, which can cause irritation of pets. If you have a pet, keep this plant out of their reach and immediately contact the veterinarian if you suspect your pet accidentally turns it on.