Feet Or Other Body Muscles Often Kram When Weather Is Cold? This Is The Cause
YOGYAKARTA Muscle pain during cold weather, not without reason. Although experts are still exploring what the driver is and how the cold body's external temperature is related to strain on the muscles of the body. Scientists know that people with previously experienced muscle aches, the symptoms will worsen when the weather is cold. For example, fibromyalgia causes long-term muscle pain and extends throughout the body. However, not everyone with muscle aches will worsen when the air temperature gets colder. Some lists of causes why the legs often cramp during cold weather, are explained in the following explanation:
Cold temperatures cause muscles and tendons to become stiff. In some cases, a person may panic, this is what happens when the muscles tighten and loosen quickly to produce heat. This is part of the body's way of staying warm, but can cause tension or muscle aches, especially if a person has been cold for a long time.
Research has not established a direct casual relationship between cold weather and injury. But research authors conducted in 2012 theorized, both related. Cold weather can affect muscle strength, dexterity, or fatigue, thereby increasing the risk of muscle injury during physical activity.
A review of research in 2022 notes that cold temperatures can affect the sensitivity or tolerance of pain. In some cases, cold temperatures can also play a role in neuroinflammatory.
Beebrapa is a person who is less physically active during cold weather than warm weather. Lack of activity can cause muscle stiffness or weakness, which can cause pain.
Those are a number of reasons why leg cramps or other body parts of the muscle are cold. Launching Medical News Today, Sunday, December 22, it is not clear how common muscle pain occurs during cold weather. If you feel pain and cramps so that it interferes with your activities, it's best to immediately go to the doctor. For home treatment, it can be done by warming the body because with that the muscles decrease the tension, warming the muscles with a warm compress, stretching lightly, and massage so that blood flow is smooth and feels relaxed.