Edhy Prabowo Is Accused Of Receiving IDR 25.7 Billion Bribes For Lobster Seed Export Permit

JAKARTA - Former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Edhy Prabowo is accused of accepting bribes amounting to IDR 25.7 billion. This bribe relates to the export permit of lobster seed.

"He has Done or participated in some acts that should be seen as stand-alone deeds so that it is seen as few crimes, let alone receiving gifts or promises", said the prosecutor read out the indictment at the Corruption Crime (Tipikor) Court, Central Jakarta, Thursday, April 15.

The bribe was received by Edhy Prabowo from exporters through Amiril Mukminin, Safri, Ainul Faqih, Andreau Misanta Pribadi, and Siswadhi Pranoto Loe.

In the indictment, Edhy received a bribe of USD 77 thousand or approximately reached IDR 1.126.921.950. Acceptance of bribes through his staff namely Safri and Amiril Mukminin from the owner of PT Dua Putera Perkasa Pratama (PT DPP), Suharjito.

Then, Edhy also received money amounting to IDR 24.625.587.250.

"It should be expected that the gift or promise was given to move to do or not do something in his tenure", the prosecutor said.

This bribe was given after Edhy Prabowo issued a policy to lift the ban on catching or releasing lobsters, and crabs, in Indonesian territory.

"The defendant as the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia wishes to grant permission for the management and cultivation of lobsters and exports of Lobster Clear Seeds (BBL) by issuing a policy to revoke the Regulation of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia Number 56/PERMEN-KP/2016 dated December 23, 2016, concerning The Prohibition of Catching and/or Releasing Lobster (Panulirus spp), and Crabs (Scylla spp), (Portunus spp) from the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia", said the prosecutor.

In addition, the giving of bribes also aims for Edhy through his men, Andreau Misanta Pribadi and Safri to speed up the approval process of lobster cultivation permits and export permits for lobster seed companies Suharjito and other exporters.

"The actions of the accused received money from Suharjito and other lobster seed exporters, contrary to the obligation of the accused as a Civil Servant or State Operator, namely as the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia as stipulated in article 5 number 4 and number 6 of Law No. 28 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of a Clean and Free State from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism, and contrary to the oath of office of the accused", the prosecutors said.

With the receipt of the bribe money, Edhy was charged with violating Article 11 of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes as amended by Law No. 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes jo Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code jo Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.