Cabinet Reshuffling Is Predicted To Target Non-Political Ministers

JAKARTA - Political observer from Al-Azhar University Indonesia Ujang Komarudin assessed many ministers in the cabinet of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who are not capable. Therefore, it is predicted that there will be a number of ministers affected by the reshuffle.

"A lot of ministers are not good but there are two (considerations, red), performance and politics", Ujang told VOI editorial team on Wednesday, April 15.

According to Ujang, ministers who perform poorly but have a political party background are more difficult to reshuffle in the cabinet. Compared to non-parliamentary ministers whose performance is arguably not resounding.

"If the performance, the standard is not good to be reshuffled, but in the context of political considerations, the poor performance is not reshuffled", explained the Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review (IPR).

For example, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah from PKB Party, Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate from NasDem Party.

"It's not possible because he's part of the parliamentary coalition. The possibility of a reshuffle is happening in non-parties. If the party is fixed or shifted e.g. Edhy Prabowo in Marine and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) replaced by Sandiaga then shifted to tourism, but it's the same, they are party people. It means that the party rations exist, as well as the same Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) a party people. So the party people are difficult (to replace, red) because they are strong", explained Ujang.

Regarding the reshuffle, Ujang thinks President Jokowi should be more sensitive to hearing the aspirations of the public in replacing his aides in the cabinet. One of them, the removal of Nadiem Makarim in theMinistry of Education and Culture.

"There are many demands to replace and reshuffle Nadiem, it's an aspiration that must be executed by Jokowi. Whether he likes it or not, inevitably it's a public aspiration because it sees a lot of controversies. Today also nothing monumental has been done. Even members of the House of Representatives, parliament, the public are criticizing Nadiem's policies", he said.

However, Ujang sees Nadiem as still politically strong in Jokowi-Ma'ruf's working cabinet. Although the performance is considered less qualified and does not come from the field of education.

Meanwhile, Minister of Technology Bambang Brodjonegoro will definitely be replaced because it has been reshuffled.

"It means that the Minister of Research and Technology does not exist, it looks like he will be given a new position. I see it will be made the head of the new National Capital authority", said Ujang Komarudin.