Meeting With Angela Merkel, President Jokowi Discusses Germany's Special Industrial Zone To Myanmar

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) held a virtual bilateral meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at Bogor Palace on Tuesday afternoon, April 13.

The bilateral meeting was held the day after the opening of the Hannover Messe 2021 Exhibition, where Indonesia was recognized as a partner country.

The two leaders discussed openly several bilateral issues, including cooperation in the field of health, economic cooperation, climate change to the Myanmar conflict.

In discussing health issues, the two leaders exchanged ideas on handling COVID-19 in each country. Both expressed concern with the continued occurrence of vaccine nationalism, which will severely disrupt the availability of vaccines in the world and disrupt the equality of vaccine access for all.

While in the field of investment and industry, Chancellor Merkel sees the potential that Indonesia has to become an important partner of Germany. President Jokowi said that investment plays an important role in economic recovery.

"Indonesia has just issued a Copyright Act that will be able to support cooperation in the field of investment", explained President Jokowi in a written statement.

President Jokowi was accompanied by Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung. (BPMI Presidential Secretariat)

On this occasion, the President also offered human resource development cooperation through vocational schools, as well as increased German industrial investment to build Germany's global production base and supply chain in the region.

"I offered to Germany to develop a Special Industrial Area of Germany (German Industrial Quarter) in Batang Integrated Industrial Area", said President Jokowi.

Regarding climate change, the two leaders also have the same commitment to emissions reduction efforts in accordance with the commitments that have been delivered by each country.

Meanwhile, in light of regional security issues, President Jokowi and Chancellor Markel have exchanged ideas on the Myanmar issue.

The President conveyed Indonesia's very clear stance from the beginning, namely to call for a halt to the use of violence and encourage dialogue.

"Dialogue between them is expected to take place soon, to restore democracy, stability, and peace in Myanmar", he said.

Indonesia has also proposed an ASEAN Summit to discuss the Myanmar issue and preparations for the summit are currently ongoing.

Chancellor Merkel also expressed appreciation to Indonesia which has been willing to become a partner country in Hannover Messe 2021. He believes that this partnership will be beneficial for efforts to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries.

In addition, Chancellor Merkel said that next year Indonesia will become the Chairman of the G-20, while Germany will be the Chairman of the G-7. It is expected that good working priority synergy can be done between the two countries.

"It is an honor for Indonesia to be appointed as a Partner State of Hannover Fair 2021 and also later in 2023", said President Joko Widodo.

For the record, Germany is one of Indonesia's most important partners in Europe. Indonesia has had a comprehensive partnership since 2012. Germany is Indonesia's largest trading partner in Europe, the 4th largest investment partner in Europe and German tourists are the 3rd largest from Europe.