Reviewing The Flash Flood Disaster In Sukabumi, The DPR Leadership Ensures That The Emergency Response Runs Optimally
The DPR leadership also directly inspected the location of the flash flood disaster in Mekarsari Village, Nyalindung District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java.
During the visit, Deputy Speaker of the DPR for Korkesra Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal ensured that all devices worked optimally and the community received the emergency assistance needed.
"Alhamdulillah, when BNPB was here ready to carry out an emergency response, the Ministry of Social Affairs was also present, Mr. Director General was at every point there was. Including all supported by soldiers from the TNI and Polri," said Cucun, Friday, December 6.
Cucun mengatakan, di titik pertama lokasi yang dikunjunginya terdapat 260 orang dari 72 Kepala Keluarga (KK) yang mengungsi akibat banjir dan longsor. Beberapa kebutuhan tanggap darurat yang disampaikan masyarakat kepadanya, dipastikan telah diselurkan dengan baik.
"Especially food, clothing, tents and tarpaulins, as important as blankets. So we are here to provide spirit and mental support to be strong in facing this disaster," he said.
"In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs and activists will also carry out trauma healing, my friends in Sukabumi. We are also running for children here," added the PKB politician.
As the head of the supervisory agency in the field of coordinator of people's welfare (kokesra), Cucun asked the local government (Pemda) to evaluate and arrange plans for the future. Because according to him, the floods, landslides, and land shifts in Sukabumi are quite extraordinary.
In addition, Cucun assessed that the Sukabumi Regional Government must also coordinate with all stakeholders, especially the Ministry of PUPR, to arrange to see how geospatial the land contours here are.
"For example, Mr. Deputy Regent suggested relocation, yes, what kind of this will be adjusted to the budget owned by Sukabumi Regency, even from the center later from PUPR. God willing, all of the best efforts will be made for the community," concluded the West Java legislator.