The Governor Of West Sumatra Calls There Are Still Illegal Minings In The Closing Process
West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Governor Mahyeldi said there was an illegal mine which is still in the process of being closed, following the shooting of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Solok Police, Kompol Anumerta Ryanto Ulil Anshar, by the Head of Ops of the South Solok Police, AKP Dadang Iskandar.
"I think it has been running according to existing regulations and indeed there are those who are in the process of course," said Mahyeldi after voting at the 005 Voting Station (TPS) in front of SD Pertiwi Padang City, Antara, Wednesday, November 27.
Although it is confirmed that it has closed a number of illegal mines, the former Mayor of Padang did not specify how many would have been closed by policy makers.
When confirmed regarding the commitment of the West Sumatra Provincial Government (Pemprov) in taking action against illegal mining actors, Mahyeldi only mentioned that this had been stated in his vision and mission if he was re-elected as Governor of West Sumatra.
"This is clearly stated in our vision and mission, regarding environmental and economic issues," he said.
Separately, the Acting Director of Walhi West Sumatra, Abdul Aziz, said that the shooting case against the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Solok Police was a momentum for the National Police to eradicate perpetrators of environmental crimes.
According to Aziz, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo must pay special attention to individuals suspected of protecting environmental crime activities in South Solok and other areas.
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Walhi believes that the shooting case that occurred on Friday (22/11) at 00.43 WIB confirmed that often environmental criminals have strong power in carrying out their actions.
To note, the shooting incident was allegedly because Dadang was not happy that AKP Ulil arrested the perpetrators of the excavation C mine in the area. Dadang shot Ulil twice, precisely in the temple and cheek. Based on the results of the post-mortem, the shot penetrated the victim's neck.