Official X Platform Uses Controversial Block Function

JAKARTA Platform X, through an official account from the engineering team, said that they had launched the latest blocking function since November 3. This change has been seen in several countries, including Indonesia.

In the uploads shared by XEng's account, it can be seen that users leave more comments and quotes than they like the news. Not a few say that they do not require a change in the function that protects the perpetrators of harassment.

According to X, the important point of the blocking feature is the limitation of interaction. Blocked accounts can still see, but they cannot follow, send direct messages (DM), and leave comments or quotes on blocked account posts.

"If blocked accounts visit the profile of the account that has blocked them, they will see that their accounts have been blocked (unlike a mute, which is not visible to the updated account)," X said in the aid center yard regarding the change in the blocking function.

This new function only applies to accounts that use public mode or can be seen by all users. According to X, when someone decides to set their account to that mode, all their posts should still be visible.

Accounts that are blocked are also considered to have the same rights so that survivors or victims of harassment feel aggrieved by this feature. The only way to protect yourself from perpetrators of harassment is to lock an account or use private mode.

However, this method will limit their activities. In Indonesia, there are many Menfess bots that can be used so that users who do not follow each other can interact freely. If their account is locked, other users will not be able to see their comments.

Therefore, the blocking function that forces users to become private accounts is considered detrimental. Even so, there are still X users who think that this feature is not detrimental because blocked accounts can still see accounts blocking using other accounts.