Oegroseno: Everyone Now Can Adapt

JAKARTA - Former Deputy Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Wakapolri), Komjen. Pol. (Ret.) Oegroseno emphasized that the government should conduct in-depth research on the revision of Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police. According to him, the making of laws must be adjusted to the needs of the police in the future.

"There must be a study first, don't make laws as long as the law. What do the police need in the future?" Oegroseno said in the EdShareOn podcast with host Eddy Wijaya, which aired on Wednesday, October 23, 2024.

Revision of the Law on Police is currently rolling in the DPR RI. Belid, which is an initiative of the DPR RI, regulates a number of strategic issues. For example, in article 14 concerning supervision, cyber space security, and wiretapping. There is also article 16 regarding prosecution, blocking or termination, and efforts to slow down cyberspace access.

These articles are the polemic in society because they are considered to make the Police a'superbody institution', or have very large powers but lack of supervision. It is even accused that they will suppress freedom of expression and protection of human rights (HAM). However, the discussion of this bill was postponed until the DPR for the 20242029 period was effective.

Oegroseno stated that to avoid abuse, wiretapping in the bill needs to be strictly regulated. Who in Indonesia has the most right to intercept? Everyone can now tap. Let alone the authorities, IT (Information and Technology) entrepreneurs can. That's what must be regulated in the future," said Oegroseno.

However, the man who was born on February 17, 1956, agreed that wiretapping and surveillance of cyberspace are regulated in special regulations, for example in the form of government regulations, ministerial regulations, and even presidential regulations. Compliers are arranged, don't let wiretapping be illegal. Whether it (contamination) at the KP (Ministry of Defense), whether it's BIN, want BAIS, want Polri, one point wiretapping rules, and people (who follow the rules) can be trusted and have high salaries," he said.

There Must Be A Compensation For 8 Convicts In The Vina Cirebon Case

To Eddy Wijaya, Oegroseno urged the government to provide compensation to 8 convicts in the Vina Cirebon case. The pressure cannot be separated from strong evidence that 8 convicts were victims of wrongful arrests by the police. "Hopefully the government can hear, if there are victims of the wrong process then they are punished (replaced) Rp 100 billion," he said.

Oegro's statement was based on Article 77 and Article 95 of the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) regarding victims of wrongful arrest by the police. Even though in the rules, compensation is at most Rp. 100 million. "If he has Rp. 100 billion, he will continue to be invested in coal mines or nickel, his life can be guaranteed," said the former North Sumatra Police Chief.

The case of Vina Dewi or Vina Cirebon began with her death and her lover Muhammad Rizky or Eky on a bridge in Cirebon Regency, West Java in 2016. A total of 11 people were convicted in this case, but they are now proposing a Review (PK) because they claim to be not perpetrators. The police also named Pegi alias Perong as a new suspect, but the pretrial hearing at the Bandung District Court on July 8, 2024 stated that Pegi was not proven involved.

Oegroseno stated that this case was flawed from the start because investigators could not prove the involvement of the perpetrators. The police only pocketed witness statements that were not supported by other evidence in the case. Evidence also does not lead to murder," he said.

Moreover, Oegroseno continued, there was involvement of Iptu Rudiana who was the victim's father Eky in an investigation at the beginning of the case. His son's death, said Oegroseno, could be the motive for Rudiana to take actions that are beyond the reason of a police officer.

"This professional deviation is quite heavy, but what I am surprised is that an Iptu Rudiana can control the police, especially at the Polresta (Cirebon), what is really going on?," he said. So an Iptu should not be given the authority to control the entire Police. No, not yet an officer, not an investigator. Propam who can prove it (Vina Cirebon case)," he added.

Who Is Eddy Wijaya Really, Here's The Profile

The figure of Eddy Wijaya is a podcaster who was born on August 17, 1972. Through the YouTube account @EdShareOn, Eddy interviewed many national figures ranging from state officials, legal experts, political experts, national politicians, to Indonesian celebrities. The man with the characteristic dimple on the right cheek is also a nationalist who is a discriminatory and social observer struggle activist by helping the community through the Wijaya Peduli Bangsa foundation. His ideas were formed because of his hard work to be independent from the age of 13 years until his success like now. For Eddy, the world of work is not as smooth as imagined, failure and rejection are common. This is what makes him hold fast to the tagline Success is only a matter of time. (ADV)