Only Taufik Hidayat Dares To Say Kemenpora Many Rats

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) is actually present to stimulate the achievements of national athletes in the world arena. However, in its implementation it is not so. The ministry is considered not to really care and understand the world of sports.

This view strengthened with the Minister of Youth and Sports, Imam Nahrawi was arrested by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Former Indonesian famous badminton athlete, Taufik Hidayat also spoke up. The Ministry of Youth and Sports's Borok opened it. He called Kemenpora many rats.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s government move to appoint Iman Nahrawi as Menpora from the 2014-2019 era had received praise. Imam Nahrawi also began his steps by trying to motivate athletes.

Whoever wins the international sporting event will be appreciated immediately with an abundant bonus. The appreciation was disbursed quickly. The mass media also rewarded it brilliantly. A negative image never arrived at the Ministry of Youth and Sports. However, time shows the ulcers of the Ministry of Youth and Sports by itself.

Many Kemenpora officials are considered to have committed corruption. Some of them were caught in the KPK's arrest operation (OTT). At its peak, the arrest targeted the Secretary General of the Central KONI, Ending Fuad Hamidy and the Central KONI Treasurer, Johnny F. Awuy.

The KPK did not forget to arrest also Deputy IV for Achievement and Sports Improvement of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Mulyana. The arrest made the Commitment Making Officer of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Adhi Purnomo and a member of his staff, Eko Triyanto, also hit the net in December 2018.

A series of arrests gave rise to a common thread: Imam Nahrawi is suspected of being involved in corruption. He is considered to have received bribes from various cases. The case of the Kemenpora grant fund for the selection of prospective athletes and coaches of the 2019 SEA Games is one example.

The bribes he received in the long span of time from 2014-2018 were not small. Imam is suspected of having received around Rp. 26.5 billion. The KPK immediately completed the investigation. Imam soon became a KPK suspect on September 18, 2019.

In the 2014'2018 range, Imam as Menpora through Ulum as the personal assistant of the Minister of Youth and Sports is suspected of having received Rp14.7 billion. In addition to receiving the money, in the 2016-2018 period, IMR as the Minister of Youth and Sports is suspected of also asking for a total of Rp11.8 billion, up to a total of Rp26.5 billion.

"The money is suspected to be a commitment fee for the management of a grant proposal submitted by KONI to the Ministry of Youth and Sports for the 2018 fiscal year, receipts related to the Chairman of the Steering Committee of Satlak Prima and other receipts related to the position of IMR as Menpora. The money is allegedly used for the personal interests of the Minister of Youth and Sports and other related parties," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah in a press release, quoted by the KPK website the day after, September 19, 2019.

The determination of the suspect Imam Nahrawi made many people speak up. Former Deputy Chairperson of the Golden Indonesia Program Implementation Unit (Satlak Prima) for the 2016-2017 period of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Taufik Hidayat, for example. Taufik felt for himself how bad the performance of Kemenpora officials was.

At first, Taufik was confident that he could make the Ministry of Youth and Sports more concerned about athletes. The 2004 Athens Olympic gold medalist based on his intentions because of previous experience. Athletes, especially Taufik, find it difficult to get government attention and assistance.

He also accepted the offer to collaborate with the Ministry of Youth and Sports. In fact, it is far from wild. He considers the Ministry of Youth and Sports not working to advance athletes or national sports. Most of the officials only think about themselves. No more.

Take for example when the Ministry of Youth and Sports has made programs such as sports ambassadors. However, there are only a few athletes. The rest are only public figures who do not understand outside the world of sports.

This condition is exacerbated by the practice of corruption that is clearly displayed at the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The level of corruption is not only at the top officials, but also under the subordinates of corruption. The congregational corruption made all kinds of Kemenpora programs feel bland for the development of national sports.

Taufik also understands that no one's ministers will change if they don't have the courage. The usefulness that Taufik meant was the courage to cut the contents of the Ministry of Youth and Sports half. If this is not done, the rats will always litter the Ministry of Youth and Sports's image.

"It turns out, wow, it's not in line, it's an apocalypse. If you can say it's rude, whoever the minister is will be the same. It has to be demolished by half the building. There are a lot of mice," said Taufik Hidayat in his interview with Deddy Corbuzier in the #CLOSETHEDOOR program, May 11, 2020.