38 High School Students In East Luwu Involved In Drug Abuse

East LUWU - Cases of drug abuse list G or hard drugs are back in circulation in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The circulation of hard drugs targets teenagers, and is even found circulating in the school environment and involves a number of students.

The disclosure of this case began when the East Luwu Police arrested a student at SMA Negeri 2 East Luwu who was suspected of distributing the drug at school.

From the results of the investigation, it was found that 38 students at the school were suspected of being involved in drug abuse.

Head of Drugs at the East Luwu Police, Iptu Andi Imran Hamid, said that students who were dealers received treatment through a diversion process because they were minors.

Andi Imran also emphasized the importance of the role of schools and parents in preventing similar cases.

"We hope that schools and parents will be more active in monitoring children so that they are not caught in narcotics cases," said Andi, Sunday, October 20.

The head of SMA Negeri 2 East Luwu Nursalam also confirmed the involvement of a number of students in this case.

Nursalam explained, of the 38 students involved, one of them is known to be a dealer in the school environment. The students have been given a suspension, while those who circulated have been expelled from school.

Students who were suspended for 1 month will return to study activities after undergoing coaching with their parents.