8 Body Languages That Help Increase Self-confidence

YOGYAKARTA People with social anxiety disorders or other mental health conditions often experience difficulties in increasing self-confidence, especially when interacting with other people. But apparently, certain body gestures or body language help increase self-confidence. The following can be practiced to convey positive messages and help you to be more confident in social situations.

By maintaining eye contact in social interaction, it shows that you are attracted and comfortable in the situation. It also helps increase your confidence. The recommendation, looking into other people's eyes is about 60 percent of the interaction time. If direct eye contact feels too intimidating, start by looking at the point that is close to the person's eyes.

If you look down while talking, try to be more confident by lifting your chin and keeping your head high facing your opponent. This shows interest, self-confidence, and prosocial emotions. At first it might make you feel awkward, but try to calm down and do this gesture so that your confidence will also increase.

While you are chatting, turning your body around in the future shows interest and attention. You may be tempted to keep your distance if you feel socially anxious. But this action shows that you are not interested or indifferent. According to research, non-verbal signals such as slashing your body forward and facing straight forward help convey feelings of interest.

When a person is less confident, his body is not upright as he stands. Sometimes his back bends or the body leans on one leg and shakes the other. To show a confident body language, straighten your back. Pull your shoulders away from your ears, open your arms and don't cross your legs.

The fast movement makes you look more anxious. From hand movements to footsteps, try to slow down your movement. Slowing the movement, means you pay attention and feel more mindful and confident. The key, maintain other signals, such as your eyes and posture.

Like when you're slowing down, try taking a wider step while walking. People who are confident are taking a wider step and walking with full authority. Doing so will make you feel less anxious. A wide step also shows that you are not afraid to take space, which shows greater confidence.

Weak or weak hand job is a sign of lack of self-confidence, so try to make sure that you reach out strong when you meet other people. This may need to practice, but after getting used to it will naturally shake hands with confidence. According to research, the normal duration of the shaking is about three seconds or less.

Feeling nervous often makes us rush to convey the subject matter and comments to end the conversation faster. However, speaking quickly can make your nervousness and inferiority clear. His advice, talking slowly and let the audience hear what you are saying. This is also one way to get respect.

When feeling nervous, maybe body language is not considered properly. Launching VeryWellMind, Sunday, October 20, anxiety also affects a person's way of interacting. So the body language that helps increase the sense of self-feeding above can be used as a reference and trained so that it is useful positively in social interaction.